Sunday 29 April 2007

Yamadori hunting pt2

some more pics,enjoy:-)

Thursday 26 April 2007

yamadori hunting

My best times in bonsai come out on the hill,looking for new material,watching wildlife and enjoying the fresh air,the challenges of climbing(scared of heights!)

There is nothing on earth like watching the sun rise,or set on a beautifull spring day,here's some photo's togive you that feeling.

Sunday 15 April 2007

The first yamadori pt1

Three years ago i went on my first yamadori hunt,to a bog in wales where the pines are under water for parts of the winter,and came back with this pine and a nice rootball as well.This is where it all really began for me,i was hooked.I had got no real satisfaction from numerous nursery trawl's this was the real deal,tree's with old bark,not fantastic but good enough.this pine thrived from day one,and had it's first proper styling last year,there were many options,but it ended up very different from the tree i enviseged on the side of a welsh bog 3 yrs ago.

it has been repotted this year and a pic of it now will follow soon.

The lowest branch is being used to fatten up the base a little.

Japanese Black Pine:The skinny one pt1

This is a relative's tree grown from seed.Before these pictures were taken all non~essential branches were cut off,and then it was re~potted into this temporary pot,and left alone for a year to recover from being severely root bound.This is only it's first styling,and i tried to make a natural looking "Scot's pine" image which i might see around here,it works for me as this is what i see on my trip's to and from work every day.It still needs extensive work,the crown is made of shoots all trained upwards to give it a natural appearance,instead of the typical bonsai apex's of flattened shoots.A picture in it's new pot will follow when it's settled in.